Juba paar kuud on meie kool olnud tähelepaneliku vaatluse objektiks - seekord üritatakse kindlaks teha, kas oleme ikka piisavalt loodussõbralikud. Tulemused tunduvad olevat positiivsed - 20. veebruaril viibis "inspektor" pikemat aega nii maja ees, trepil. kui ka rõdul. Vaata pilti ja paku, kellega on tegemist!


Külaline metsast

 Külaline metsast



My Dear Students and Fellow Teachers,
I hope you are all fine and happy!
I miss you since I haven't seen you for a long time!? Are you having fun?
Maybe you know that I am in England at the moment studying in The English Language Centre (EL) in Hove.
I thought you might be interested where exactly I am and what I've been up to, so I'm going to give you some clues and you can discover :-)
The no.1 tourist attraction in Brighton, The Royal Pavilion: http://www.royalpavilion.org.uk/
I wish you all the best
and see you on the 23rd of January (if everything goes according to the plan :-)
You can e-mail me (See e-posti aadress on spämmirobotite eest kaitstud. Selle nägemiseks peab su veebilehitsejas olema JavaSkript sisse lülitatud.) if there's anything interesting happening...
Hope to see you soon,
Take care,
Krista :-)